Future Trends In Tourism

Future Trends In Tourism

Tourism is a multi-billion dollar industry. In fact, the tourism sector was worth $7.6 trillion in 2020 and is expected to reach a value of $8 trillion by 2023. It’s an exciting time for travel and tourism with the introduction of new technologies that will bring a whole new level of excitement to your next trip!

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of a headset to immerse yourself in an entirely new place. It’s like being there, but without having to leave home! This can be done through either a video game or by watching 360-degree videos on your phone.

Augmented Reality (AR) uses technology like Google Glasses or Snapchat filters that allow you to see real-world objects as if they were part of a video game or movie scene. For example, if you were playing Pokémon Go and saw someone wearing an AR device that made them look like Pikachu from behind (they wouldn’t know), then you could “catch” them with your phone camera and add them into your collection! Both VR and AR are growing in popularity because they offer fun new ways for people who love travel–or just exploring their own town–to do so without leaving home

Artificial intelligence

  • AI will be used in tourism to improve the experience for tourists.
  • Artificial intelligence will be used to improve customer service.
  • AI will be used to improve efficiency of tourism businesses and their operations, including marketing, sales, and management of inventory (hotels, restaurants).
  • There may also be some use of artificial intelligence in tourism security systems or surveillance cameras that can detect suspicious behavior or help respond quickly in case of an emergency situation

Smart cities

Smart cities are cities that use technology to improve the quality of life. Smart cities are more efficient, so they require less energy and resources. They can also be used to reduce pollution and traffic congestion, crime rates and improve public safety.

The first step towards creating smart city solutions is understanding your local challenges. To do this you need to conduct a thorough analysis of what’s happening in your community today, where it’s headed tomorrow (and why), who has influence over those changes–and how they can be influenced by technology solutions at their disposal today!

Social media-based services

Social media is the most important source of information for travelers, and it’s also a great way to share your experiences with others. Social media can help you find out about new destinations, activities and experiences at your destination of choice. If you are traveling solo or with friends, social media can be used as an effective tool to connect with other travelers who have similar interests and preferences as you do.

The future of tourism is bright.

The future of tourism is bright. The industry is growing and changing, and there are many opportunities for growth in tourism.

Tourism is a big business: it accounts for $7 trillion in global GDP, almost 10% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP), or one in every 11 jobs worldwide (UNWTO). In 2015 alone, 1.2 billion people traveled internationally–an increase of 7% over 2014 (UNWTO). That number will continue to grow as more people become interested in experiencing new cultures and places through travel than ever before.

Technology has played an important role in making this possible by helping travelers connect with each other online before they even leave home; today you can find someone who will show you around their city just by searching on Facebook or Twitter! This makes planning your trip easier than ever before because now there are no language barriers between travelers who want help from locals during their travels abroad but don’t know how local languages work yet (especially those who come from countries where English isn’t spoken widely enough).

We hope that this post has given you an idea of what the future of tourism might look like. We are excited to see how these trends will affect the industry and how they will change our lives as travelers.