Digital Music Distribution Is Easy To Get Wrong

Digital Music Distribution Is Easy To Get Wrong

Digital music distribution is easy to get wrong. Many musicians have tried and failed, only to discover that the common mistakes they made could have been avoided with a bit of research. The good news is that there are plenty of resources out there for musicians looking to get their music into the right hands, but you need to know what not to do as well as what will work best for your unique project. In this article, we’ll look at some common mistakes people make when trying to distribute their music digitally and offer some suggestions on how you can avoid them!

You can’t push your music out to all platforms at once

You can’t push your music out to all platforms at once. You need to focus on one platform at a time and make sure that the distribution process is working well before moving on to the …

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The Art of Finding The Best Music Distribution Labels

The Art of Finding The Best Music Distribution Labels

As a musician, you know the importance of finding the best music distribution labels. A good label can do wonders for your career, helping you grow your fan base and improve as an artist. But with so many labels out there, how do you find one that’s right for you? In this post, we’ll go over some ways to identify good music distribution companies as well as some common mistakes people make when pursuing them.

Do Your Homework

The first step to finding the best music distribution labels is doing your homework. You have to know what you want and where you want it, but also what the industry has to offer.

If you are just starting out as an independent artist or band, it’s important that you do some research before approaching any distributors. There are many options available online through various websites such as Soundcloud or Facebook where …

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Step-by-Step Guide to Music Distribution

Step-by-Step Guide to Music Distribution

Want to get your songs sold on iTunes or Spotify? The process of getting music distributed is simple – but there are a few steps you’ll need to follow. Music distribution can help you reach new audiences, increase the chances of your songs being discovered, and increase sales. In this article we’ll take you through the entire process of finding and selecting a good distribution service provider (DSP) so that you can get your music out into the world!

Step 1: Finding music distribution companies.

To find a music distribution company, you’ll need to do some research. The first step is to search for “music distribution” on Google and see what comes up. You should look at the top results and check out their websites, customer service reviews and pricing.

Next, you want to make sure that the company has experience distributing music in your genre–you don’t want them sending …

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Digital Music Distribution Services

Digital Music Distribution Services

You will discover quite a few different music distribution services, every single with their own pricing and business models. Nevertheless, the majority of these organizations supply a totally free trial and only need a compact charge for digital distribution. These organizations don’t generate income off of physical sales and promotions. This tends to make them an incredible decision for new artists who are just starting out. In addition, they let artists maintain all of their rights and don’t touch concert revenues or merchandising.

Ditto is definitely an unlimited-resolution music distributor with features such as free of charge UPC codes, streaming data, and chart registration. This service is geared towards smaller sized artists and costs

$19 a year for one artist. Fresh Tunes is usually a superior option for independent artists since it presents value- added services like artist management, marketing help, and promotion. You’ll be able to also upload videos …

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Challenge Yourself, How Giving Yourself a Challenge Can Improve Your Music

Challenge Yourself, How Giving Yourself a Challenge Can Improve Your Music

Have you ever noticed how some bands seem to perpetually move forward in their careers, seemingly with ease, while other bands remain stagnant with no real progress for years or they make one good album and then disappear from the scene? It may be more than simple luck. It could be their approach to their music careers and life.

Challenge Yourself, How Giving Yourself a Challenge Can Improve Your Music

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As a musician who wants to be one of the success stories, instead of the forgotten failures, it’s important to learn all you can about what makes great musicians so great so let’s take a few minutes to consider one of the things that great bands have in common… Setting goals.

In the music world

every participant has a goal or two. The problem is most of them are so vague, they are inherently unreachable. It isn’t because the goal that is set is too difficult. It’s because the …

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