12 Fascinating Facts About Princess Polly

12 Fascinating Facts About Princess Polly

The Princess Polly doll is a popular American Girl doll. She was introduced back in 1993, and is still available for purchase today. The doll has had many different versions since then, but they all have one thing in common – they’re all white with pink flowers on them! Her face features freckles and mittens on her hands. She uses her right hand to hold things like flowers or book bindings and her left hand to hold her leash when she walks her dachshund puppy. You can get Princess Polly dolls from Target stores and online at Amazon.com at discounted prices!

Princess Polly is a doll made by American Girl.

Princess Polly is a historical doll made by American Girl. She was first introduced in 1993, and she has been around for over 20 years now!

Princess Polly is a princess who lives in England during World War II. She has long brown hair with red highlights and blue eyes, as well as freckles on her cheeks and nose. She wears a purple dress with white trim, black tights underneath her dress, black shoes with bows on them (like Mary Janes), pearl earrings and necklace made from shells she found on the beach at Brighton-on-Sea (#funfact). The outfit also includes accessories like an umbrella that opens into a parasol when you press down on its handle (#morefunfacts).

The doll’s full name is Princess Pollypoodle.

  • Princess Pollypoodle is a princess.
  • She’s also a doll, made by American Girl.
  • She was introduced
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